Tall Grass Bakery
"Eating well gives a special joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwilland happy companionship. It is of great importance to morale"
- Elsa Schiaparelli

Welcome to Tall Grass Catering!

Need Tall Grass Catering at your event or meeting? To place an order you can call our Forks Market office at 204-947-1297 and speak to Mona, Mondays to Fridays: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. You can also email her at theforks@tallgrassbakery.ca

Since opening its doors, Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company has built its reputation on local and organic ingredients, as well as baking from scratch.

Tall Grass catering is focused upon baked goods, fruit, cheese and veggie platters for morning, noon and afternoon events. We are committed to local organic grains, fresh on-site milling, high quality baking, and natural whole food!