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Our Philosophy
We at Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company are committed to local, organic and made from scratch. Tall Grass believes that good food is made when we work with our Mother the Earth in a spirit of gratitude and with loving responsiveness to her needs and ours. Together with the Earth, those who grow, mill, and bake; those who press, preserve and can; those who slice, sauté and cook; those who sell and buy – each person offers a unique gift to the creation of the Tall Grass and Grass Roots Prairie Kitchen products. Our bakeries and kitchen are the meeting places where good, whole food is born and begins to sing its own song.
We support organic agriculture. This is agriculture practiced without the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides. In so doing, we demonstrate our desire to take responsibility for the gifts of the Earth. We see this choice as fundamental to caring for the Earth’s health,
as well as our own.
Truly healthy food can only come from a healthy Earth. Accountability to the land and to one another is best lived in the context of community – a community that justly supports the production of local food. Home-grown Manitoba Red Fife, Spelt and other grains, berries and fruit; prairie bison, local cheese; beef and pork, root vegetables and cabbage are also among the essential ingredients of our products. By participating closely with growers in the food-making process we are able to directly pay them a just price.
As we receive it from the Earth whole, every day our whole grain flour is freshly ground, right here at Tall Grass because we believe the only way to make really fresh, nutritious bread is to start with healthy ingredients. Milling locally grown grain is in keeping with our philosophy of healthy food. We love our mills which give us the opportunity to make beautiful bread.