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At Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company we maintain the ancient tradition of stone ground milling. This process crushes the grain, but keeps the entire kernel – germ, bran and endosperm – and their inherent nutritional value intact. The artisanal stone milling technique we have developed protects the germ fat from oxidizing and preserves the nutty flavour and texture of the resulting whole grain flour.
Whole grains have played a central, healthy role in our diets for thousands of years and Tall Grass honours that tradition through milling of whole grains, a gift from the land to the people. These grains are an important source of many nutrients, including fibre, B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate), as well as iron, magnesium and selenium. Research shows that eating whole grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases.
Tall Grass works with local organic Manitoba farmers, who supply us with ancient grains such as Red Fife and Spelt, as well as Rye.
The simple practice of grinding grain between two stones, followed the domestication of wheat and barley in the eastern Mediterranean more than 10,000 years ago.
Early stone mills are mentioned by Moses in Exodus 11:5 and by Samson in Judges 16:21.

Red Fife
An organic tasty ancient wheat, locally sourced, used in our breads, buns and most sourdough products. Read more…
Cultivated since 9,000 B.C, this organic grain has a nutty flavour, a low glycemic index and is easily digested. Read more…