Tall Grass Bakery
“Comfort food – food that reassures – is different things to different people.” – David Tannis

Pickup and delivery

For small and medium sized orders, Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company customers can pick-up their catering or send a courier. There is a handy loading zone behind Tall Grass at The Forks Market, along the western access street, which make pick-ups easy.

Delivery of catering orders for large events such as conferences, receptions, meetings and similar functions is available with at least 10 days notice. In general, events of 50 people or more qualify for delivery. We maintain flexibility and common sense around this number.

To place an order, our Catering Team can be reached at 204-947-1297 or through email at laseine@tallgrassbakery.ca.

Print out our two page catering menu (pdf) which provides pricing details.