Scones / biscuits
Our scones / biscuits are perfect for any type of tea party, whether you’re enjoying a quiet cup on your own, or having a house full of guests. Savoury or sweet – choose from cheese and green onion, dill and herb or fruits of the season such as apple, pear, or orange. What fun!
Our take on the traditional white dinner roll. The Tall Grass difference is that we use local, organic, freshly-ground white flour from Prairie Flour Mills, in Elie, Manitoba. Baked to perfection, proud to serve at the kitchen table or to guests in the dining room!
Whole wheat buns
This traditional, much-loved Tall Grass bun features a 50/50 mixture of freshly stone-ground whole wheat flour and local organic freshly ground white flour from Prairie Flour Mills, in Elie, Manitoba. Makes a great compact bunwich! Just the thing whether you’re eating your lunch sitting down or standing up!
Our well-known whole wheat favourite buns with the added bonus of multiple grains. You can see and taste the delicious bountiful prairie harvest in every single bite. You’ll want to bite into it throughout the entire year – to round out a wholesome bowl of soup during the winter; as an addition to a fresh spring salad; to stuff at your summer BBQ, or as the center piece of your fall picnic. Enjoy!